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Can Tactical Shooters Really Make it Big on Consoles? | Counter-Strike | Consoles

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was high on my priority list of tactical shooter games to play in the last few years, I thought it lived up to what we expected of such a big franchise, and for the first time, we were able to play it on console, which, while obviously feeling very weird at first, brought in me a renewed enthusiasm around what we could do with shooters on a console, even when it comes to eSports.

Of course, playing with a controller is nowhere as precise as aiming with a mouse, but the feeling of playing Counter-Strike without an in-game console that computer geeks could bring down to modify the game to their advantage brought in me a feeling of comfort and fairness. It's something I didn't expect. Experts were saying that bringing Counter-Strike to consoles would be dumbing the game down but when you actually give it a shot it doesn't necessarily appear as so.

Sure, if you're used to playing on PC and having a ton of customization options you will feel stuck in a tiny restricted box once you get on consoles, but try to cultivate the thought that your opponent is in the exact same situation as you and maybe it won't bother you as much. I think this can be good for eSports.

Games on console are more fair in general and less frequently discourage new gamers who don't want to hear other players talk about advanced tech stuff and know that they're getting an advantage from it. Generally speaking, a newbie willing to step into a competitive game wants it to be fair and fun, and not about a game of insider stuff and lame tricks. To me, playing Global Offensive on console felt refreshing and made me think in a new way about what makes me like a game. Sometimes I think we like some games simply because we're good at them and are past the learning curve, and that sometimes we forget about what made us start playing in the first place. Consoles can be an attractive place for tactical shooters to grow and I think we should start to accept it.


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Can Tactical Shooters on Consoles Unite Us?

Playing Counter-Strike also makes me think about how the world of eSports could unite more if we would all play the same games. It's harder for a PC gamer to disrespect a console gamer who's passionate about Counter-Strike then one who's playing Halo. You hate what you don't understand. At least, two people from console and PC meeting together could talk about the maps if they both play Counter-Strike, while having two different series makes the dialogue almost impossible.

If tactical shooters make it big in eSports it could also bring more people back on the PC side once they hear a few people in their game chat talk about the "PC version being better" which will inevitably happen. For the PC gamers who thought that Global Offensive going on console was a bad idea, think of it as a big publicity board for the PC version, because Valve is so big on PC that anything that concerns it inevitably leads there.


Watch 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive' Gameplay on PS3

Author: xmx22x

Image: "Hell has frozen over" by Kenny Louie.
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